New patient appointments with one of our two providers can be arranged by calling our office at (941) 487-2160 and following the prompts. Please have your health insurance information available before calling. When leaving voicemail, provide the name of the referring provider, insurance information, and the reason for appointment. Please allow 48 hours for a response.
If you have been seen by a previous neurologist, we must receive those records before we are able to schedule an appointment. Use the Medical Records Release form below and send to your previous neurologist so they may send us your records.
You may print our New Patient registration packet by clicking the New Patient Form below. Kindly print these forms and bring them with you to your scheduled appointment or mail prior to your first visit.
Most HMO Insurance Plans require an Insurance Authorization by the referring provider or your Primary Care Physician to see a Specialist.
An Insurance Authorization is not the same as a Referral.
When scheduling a New Patient Visit, we will let you know if an Authorization is required.
We cannot schedule an appointment until our office received the Insurance Authorization from either the referring provider or your Primary Care Provider.
Although we request insurance authorization from your PCP, you are ultimately responsible for following up with your PCP and ensuring the authorizations has been sent to our office. If we do not obtain the referral 24 hours before your visit, the appointment will be rescheduled.
Due to the high number of patients seeking neurological care in the area and respect for other patients waiting for an appointment, please adhere to the following: